Saturday, April 5, 2014

Pressure Cooker Pasta and Knorr Sauce Packets

It's simply crazy, but I know there are STILL a few of you out there that have not yet purchased a pressure cooker - not to name names Paul and Deb!!  And there are still a few of you out there that have pressure cookers but you haven't dug it out of whatever dark corner it's stashed, dusted it off and fired it up.  What are you waiting for!!!  I really can't encourage you enough to use this galley/kitchen tool!

And I know I've said it before but Pressure Cooker Pasta is the best way to start.  FOUR minutes!  That is all the time at pressure it takes to make perfect pasta in the pressure cooker.  Okay, five if it's whole wheat pasta.  There are so many options from the basic pasta recipe - chicken, veggies, basic tomato sauce, meat sauce, cheese, capers, etc....the list is endless.  FYI - For plain pasta, I have started adding a generous sprinkling of salt and a dash of olive oil to the water when I cook the pasta.

Short Cut - I have found that Knorr sauce packets (or any brand of dry sauce packets) can easily be used with Pressure Cooker Pasta.  I don't even dirty a separate pot.  I simply dump the dry sauce packet in after the pasta has cooked and add whatever liquid the packet calls for such as oil, water, milk or for today's lunch (which is pasta in creamy pesto sauce) left over cream.  I generally don't add as much as the packet calls for.  I just eyeball it and then taste.  You may also have a tiny bit of pasta cooking water in the bottom, which is fine and helps blend the sauce in.  The heat of the pasta and the pan is enough to mix the sauce.  Yes, these sauce packets can be a tad salty but they are SO handy and you can add to them and play around with the liquids you add to make them sauce like adding cream or wine or tomato juice or whatever.  Get creative.
*Sarah - have you gotten a pressure cooker yet?

1 comment:

  1. No, we don't have a pressure cooker. My mom's is pretty nifty, but it also came with a hefty price tag (although in true "Messner fashion" she got an awesome deal). The pasta looks tasty, I'm going to pick up a few of the packets at the store- quick lunch ideas.
