Tuesday, June 3, 2014

St Lucia Food Notes

Papya or Pawpaw
I just wanted to share some random thoughts and pictures of food stuff on St Lucia.
Produce found easily around St Lucia
Traditional cooking pot still used by some
Common cooking method
Houses built in the last few years have gas.  Those built before do not so they use charcoal.  We saw many people selling charcoal.  Archie discovered (much to his chagrin)  that one of the older guys working on this house is making charcoal on Archie's property.  It will actually help the soil but still...
Wood prepped to make charcoal

Lime tree
Cabbage, callaloo, pumpkins, green onions, herbs
We saw SO many mango trees.  Hundreds and hundreds - in towns, villages, the countryside, in the mountains - everywhere

Perfectly shaped mango tree.  They guy climbed up and got 3 for us
Enjoying a hand picked papya
FYI - Everyone....and I mean everyone in St Lucia has a machete.  Actually for that matter, it seems every West Indian has a machete from the little old woman at the fruit stand, to the guys at the coconut trucks, to the local farmer, to Archie.  Everyone has a machete for collecting and cutting up fruits and veggies.

Gov't greenhouse where Archie got many of the plants for his property.  He wanted to get good grafted start ups.
Calabash gourd
The calabash tree is the national tree of St Lucia.  The gourds are cut in half and hollowed out. The halves are then used as bowls and various utensils.  True Rastas still use only calabash bowls.  The gourds are also carved and painted up to sell to tourist.  

Fish trips with sour oranges to attract a certain type of fish


Coconuts deserve their own blog posting so watch for that soon.  In the mean time......
So good!

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